10/08/2010 10:20 (GMT+7)
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gantha: 'ties'. "There are 4 ties: the bodily tie (káyagantha) of covetousness (abhijjhá), of ill-will (vyápáda), of clinging to rule and ritual (sílabbata-parámása), of dogmatical fanaticism (idamsaccábhinivesa)" (D. 33). - "These things are ties, since they tie this mental and material body" (Vis.M. XXII, 54).

garuka-kamma: weighty karma; s. karma.

gati (lit. 'going'): 'course of existence', destiny, destination. "There are 5 courses of existence: hell, animal kingdom, ghost realm, human world, heavenly world" (D. 33; A. XI, 68). Of these, the first 3 count as woeful courses (duggati, s. apáya), the latter 2 as happy courses (sugati).

gems, the 3: ti-ratana (q.v.).

generation, the 4 modes of: yoni (q.v.).

germinating once more: eka-bíjí, is the name of one of the 3 kinds of Sotápanna (q.v.).

ghosts: cf. peta, yakkha; s. loka.

giving: dána (q.v.).

gladness: somanassa (q.v.). - Indulging in g., s. manopavicára.

gnosis: s. indriya (21).

gotrabhú: lit. 'who has entered the lineage (of the Noble Ones)', i.e. the Matured One.

I. 'Maturity-Moment' (gotrabhú-citta) is the last of the 4 impulsive moments (javana, q.v.; cf. viññána-kicca) immediately preceding the entering into an absorption (jhána, q.v.) or into one of the supermundane paths (s. ariya-puggala, A.). Cf. visuddhi VII.

II. The 'Matured One'. "He who is endowed with those things, immediately upon which follows the entrance into the noble path (ariya-magga), this person is called a 'Matured One'." (Pug 10). In the Com. to this passage it is said: "He who through perceiving Nibbána, leaves behind the whole multitude of worldlings (puthujjana, q.v.), the family of worldlings, the circle of worldlings, the designation of a worldling and enters into the multitude of the Noble Ones, the family of the Noble Ones, the circle of the Noble Ones, and obtains the designation of a Noble One, such a being is called a Matured One." By this state of consciousness is meant the lightning-like transitional stage between the state of a worldling and that of a Sotápanna; s. ariya-puggala. - Gotrabhú is mentioned in this sense, i.e. as 9th ariyapuggala (q.v.), in A. IX, 10; X, 16.

gotrabhú-ñána: 'Maturity-knowledge'; s. prec. and visuddhi (VII)

gradual instruction: ánupubbíkathá (q.v.).

grasping: cf. parámása, upádána.

great man, the 8 thoughts of a: mahápurisa-vitakka (q.v.).

greed: lobha (q.v.).

greedy consciousness: s. Tab, I, III. (22-29).

greedy-natured: rága-carita; s. carita.

grief: domanassa (q.v.) - Indulging in g. s. manopavicára.

groups: of existence, s. khandha; corporeal groups, s. rúpa-kalápa; corporeality-group, s. rúpa-káya; mind-group, s. náma-káya.

growth, bodily: rúpassa upacaya: s. khandha I.

grudge: s. patigha.

gustatory organ: s. áyatana.

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