10/08/2010 10:20 (GMT+7)
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Kích cỡ chữ:  Giảm Tăng


earnestness: appamáda (q.v.).

earth-element: s. dhátu (I).

eating, knowing the measure in bhojane mattaññutá (q.v.).

effort, the 4 right e.: samma-ppadhána; s. padhána. Right e. s. sacca (IV 6), magga (6) . - 5 elements of e.: padhániyanga (q.v.).

ego-entity: attá (q.v.).

ego-belief: s. ditthi, sakkáya-ditthi, vipallása.

ego-idea, ego-perception: s. vipallása.

egolessness: anattá (q.v.).

eightfold path: s. magga.

eka-bíjí: 'germinating only once more', is the name for one of the 3 kinds of Stream-winners: s. Sotápanna.

ekásanik'anga: the exercise of eating at one sitting, is one of the ascetic practices; s. dhutanga.

eka-vokára-bhava: one-group existence, is the existence of the unconscious beings (asañña-satta, q.v.) as they possess only the corporeality-group. Cf. catu-vokára-bhava, pañca-vokára-bhava.

elasticity (of corporeality, mental factors or consciousness): mudutá; s. khandha (Corporeality I.B.) and Tab. II.

elders, the teaching of the: Theraváda (q.v.).

elements: dhátu (q.v.). - Analysis of the 4 e.: dhátu-vavatthána (q.v.).

emotion: 8 sources of e.: samvega-vatthu (q.v.). The 4 places rousing emotion; samvejaníya-tthána (q.v.).

emptiness: suññatá (q.v.). - Contemplation of e.: suññatánupassaná. - For emptiness of self, pertaining to the 4 truths, s. sacca.

ends: 'attaining two ends simultaneously'; sama-sísí (q.v.).

energy: viriya (q.v.); further s. bojjhanga, bala, páramí.

enlightened one, the: Buddha; s. sammá-sambuddha.

enlightenment: bodhi (q.v.). - The 7 elements of e.: bojjhanga (q.v.). - A being destined for e.: Bodhisatta (q.v.).

enthusiasm: píti (q.v.).

envy: issá (q.v.).

equality-conceit: s. mána.

equanimity: upekkhá (q.v.) = tatra-majjhattatá (q.v.). - Knowledge consisting in e. with regard to all formations, s. visuddhi (VI, 8). - Indulging in e., s. manopavicára.

equilibrium of mental faculties: indriya-samatta (q.v.).

escape: nissarana (s. pahána).

eternity: cf. kappa.

eternity-belief: sassata-ditthi; s. ditthi.

exertion: see padhána, viriya, magga (6). - Reaching Nibbána with or without e.; s. Anágámi.

existence: bhava (q.v.) - The 5 groups of e.: khandha (q.v.) - The 4 substrata of e.: upadhi (q.v.). - Courses of e.: gati (q.v.). - Wheel of e.: samsára (q.v.). - Craving for e.: bhava-tanhá; s. tanhá; - The 3 characteristics of e.: ti-lakkhana (q.v.).

expression (bodily and verbal): s. viññatti.

extinction: s. nirodha; - of craving: tanhakkhaya (q.v.).

extremes: the two e. and the middle path; s. majjhima-patipadá.

eye: 5 kinds, s. cakkhu. - Visual organ, s. áyatana.

eye-consciousness: cakkhu-viññána; s. dhátu, khandha.

eye-organ: s. áyatana.

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